Here are our partners at UNH Manchester that are helping us out with the drive. We can't thank you enough for your support.
ADM 635 Students in Free Enterprise: students in Kelly Kilcrease's class will be providing expertise in marketing and organizing the project here on campus.
ADM 675 Integrated Marketing Communication: a team of students from Bill Troy's class are advising us on how to create a marketing plan, how to create consistent messages, and how to organize a radio campaign.
ADM 675 Sustainable Business: students in Walt Alderman's class will be donating 10% of their profits to the WFMY project as well as promoting the project on their sales tables.
BIO 413 Principles of Biology I: students in Patricia Halpin's class will once again research the effects of cold on the human body so that we can use this research to raise awareness of the need for warm clothes.
Communication Arts: The Communication Arts faculty have generously recommended the CSL 201 class to some of their students--who are just terrific!
CSL 204 Managing Change and Conflict in Communities: Ginger Lever is working with her students to research the issue of poverty in our area and to consider the policy implications of this research. The students will also be recruiting other business partners to supply clothes to other recipient organizations.
CSL 207 Fundraising for Community-Based Organizations: a student in Susan Cole's class has chosen the WFMY project as the focus of her fundraising plan and will share this outline with us.
Education: Judy Sharkey has invited us to co-sponsor the upcoming film The Other Side of Immigration on Oct. 29 at 5pm. Students working on the Warmth from the Millyard Project will be hosting a table outside the film to share information and invite participation.
Ecn 444 Power: Tom Birch's students will be creating a video of the Warmth from the Millyard project that can be used to highlight the issues the project addresses as well as detail the project itself.
UMST 599 First Year Seminar: Colleen Sasso will be working with her students to identify an aspect of the WFMY project for their community service focus. They'll be working closely with students from CSL 201 and other classes to address an aspect of the project.
Art Club: will be helping with the design of the "drop off" boxes and other visual aspects of the project
Jamie Saucier has been working with the CSL 201 students to help them make connections with other student organizations.
DEPARTMENTS/STAFF: These are people who have offered to help share their expertise and support the project either as individuals or through their departments. (I apologize if I've forgotten anyone--let me know--and please know there is room for many more!)
Colleen Bolton: Academic Counseling
Karlea Brunelle-Joiner: First Year Experience
Jamy Cote: Academic Computing
Vicky Doherty: Barnes and Noble Bookstore
Annie Donahue: Library
Lloyd Feder: Facilities Department
Kate Ferreira: Center for Graduate and Professional Studies
Regina McCarthy: Academic Student Services
Donna McIntire: Associate Dean's Office
Trece Mettauer: Community Outreach Scholarship
Laura Piazza: Marketing and Community Relations
Ellen Ruggles: Associate Dean's Office
Mihaela Sabin: Computer Information Systems
Gary Sears: Security Services
Mica Stark: Carsey Institute
Carol Sweich: Academic Counseling
Brian Tobin: Marketing and Community Relations
Kim Wall: Marketing and Community Relations