She is currently working with about Bhutanese 48 families, but this number changes often, as more and more families are sent to Manchester at intervals. The US government in 2007, has accepted 60,000 Bhutanese to be settled in this country. The families have spent up to 17 years in refugee camps as they fled ethnic cleansing in Bhutan, many of them under threat of death or torture. These are extended families which include parents, children, and grand-parents.
These people arrive in the USA in the clothes they were wearing in the camps. The climate where the camps are located is like New Hampshire in early fall… it never is like our winter!
Initially they are given low income housing, and other help, but not clothing. They are given four months to find work before aid begins to dry up. In this economic climate, they are facing nearly impossible odds to get ahead…. Or even stay afloat.
These are a small and slim people. Your size smalls and mediums will find a welcome home with them. Please be sure to wash and thoroughly dry them before donating them.
- Paula
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